AutoLISP เป็นเครื่องมือช่วยในการเขียนแบบด้วย AutoCAD ให้รวดเร็วยิ่งขึ้นช่วยประหยัดเวลาในการทำงาน ลดขั้นตอนในการเรียกใช้คำสั่ง ... และอื่นๆอีกมากมาย
วันจันทร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564
วันจันทร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564
Closed Boundary Selection
closed boundary in the selection
my_error (msg)
"cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
(= msg "Function cancelled")
(= msg "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
msg (Alert (strcat "\nApplication error: " msg)))
(setvar "cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
(setvar "osmode" old_osnap)
(setvar "snapmode" old_snap)
(setvar "orthomode" old_ortho)
(setvar "dimdec" old_dimdec)
(setq *error* old_error)
c:cbs (/ clayer pa pb dis ay by th th0 lp rp inter1 inter1mid inter2 inter2mid
i len plboundary)
old_cmdecho(getvar "cmdecho"))
old_osnap (getvar "osmode"))
old_layer (getvar "clayer")) ;
old_error *error*)
*error* my_error )
"cmdecho" 0)
"osmode" 0)
(command "_undo"
(setq old_layer (getvar
(not (tblsearch "LAYER" "mybound"))
(command "._layer"
"_M" "mybound" "_Color" "3"
"" "LType" "Continuous" ""
(setq pa (getpoint "\n Pick the left
up point"))
(setq pb (getcorner pa "\n Pick the
bottom right point"))
(setq dis (getdist "\n Enter minimum
(setq ay (nth 1 pa)
by (nth 1 pb)
(setq th by)
(setq th0 dis)
(< th ay)
(setq lp (list (nth 0 pa) th 0))
(setq rp (list (nth 0 pb) th 0))
(grdraw lp rp 249)
(setq inter1 (vl-Get-Int-Pt lp rp
"mybound" 0))
(setq inter1mid (midlist inter1))
(setq inter2 (vl-Get-Int-Pt lp rp
"mybound" 1)
inter2mid (midlista inter2)
(setvar "clayer"
(setq i 0
len (length inter1)
(repeat (1- len)
(setq midpoint (nth i inter1mid))
(if (not (member1 midpoint
(setq plboundary
(STD-BPOLY midpoint nil))
(if plboundary
(setq inter2
(vl-Get-Int-Pt lp rp "bound" 1)
inter2mid (midlista inter2)
(setq i (1+ i))
(setvar "clayer" old_layer)
(setq th (+ th th0))
(command "_undo" "_e"
"cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
"osmode" old_osnap)
"clayer" old_layer)
*error* old_error)
"\n Enter CBS to Start closed boundary in the selection.")
member1 (a b / res)
(if b
(foreach x b
(if (< (distance x a) 0.01)
(setq res T)
) ; (setq res nil)
) ; (setq res nil)
midlist (lst / len lst1 midpoint i)
(setq i 0
len (length lst)
(repeat (1- len)
(setq midpoint (midp (nth i lst) (nth (1+
i) lst)))
(setq lst1 (append
(list midpoint)
(setq i (1+ i))
midlista (lst / len lst1 midpoint i)
(setq i 0
len (length lst)
(repeat (/ len 2)
(setq midpoint (midp (nth i lst) (nth (1+
i) lst)))
(setq lst1 (append
(list midpoint)
(setq i (+ i 2))
STD-BPOLY (pt ss / ele)
((member (type C:BPOLY) '(SUBR EXRXSUBR
(if ss
(C:BPOLY pt ss) ; old arx or ads
(C:BPOLY pt)
(pt ; >=r14: native command
(setvar "CMDDIA" 0)
(setq ele (entlast))
; (std-break-command)
(command "_BPOLY"
"_A" "_I" "_N" "") ; advanced options
; without island detection
(if ss
(command "_B"
"_N" ss "")
) ; define boundary set if ss
(command "" pt "")
(setvar "CMDDIA" 1)
(if (/= (entlast) ele)
) ; return created BPOLY
(alert "command _BPOLY not
vl-Get-Int-Pt (FirstPoint SecondPoint lay layindex / acadDocument
SSetName SSets SSet reapp ex obj
(setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument
(setq mSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace
(setq SSetName "MySSet")
(setq SSets (vla-get-SelectionSets
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply
'vla-add (list SSets
(vla-clear (vla-Item SSets SSetName))
(setq SSet (vla-Item SSets SSetName))
(setq Baseline (vla-Addline mspace
(vlax-3d-point FirstPoint)
(vla-SelectByPolygon SSet acSelectionSetFence
(vlax-for obj sset (if (setq ex
(vlax-vla-object->ename BaseLine)
(vlax-vla-object->ename obj)
lay layindex
(setq reapp (append
(vla-delete BaseLine)
(setq reapp (vl-sort reapp '(lambda (e1 e2)
(< (car e1)
(car e2))
kht-intersect (en1 en2 lay layindex / a b x ex ex-app c d e la2)
(setq c (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en1)))
d (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en2)))
la2 (cdr (assoc 8 (entget en2)))
(if (or
(= c "TEXT")
(= d "TEXT")
(= c "SPLINE")
(= d "SPLINE")
(setq e -1)
(if (= layindex 0)
(if (= la2 lay)
(setq e -1)
(if (= layindex 1)
(if (/= la2 lay)
(setq e -1)
(setq En1 (vlax-ename->vla-object En1))
(setq En2 (vlax-ename->vla-object En2))
(setq a (vla-intersectwith en1 en2
(setq a (vlax-variant-value a))
(setq b (vlax-safearray-get-u-bound a 1))
(if (= e -1)
(setq b e)
(if (/= b -1)
(exapp a)
exapp (a)
(setq a (vlax-safearray->list a))
(repeat (/ (length a) 3)
(setq ex-app (append
(list (list (car a) (cadr a)
(caddr a)))
(setq a (cdr (cdr (cdr a))))
kht:list->safearray (lst datatype)
(vlax-safearray-fill (vlax-make-safearray
(eval datatype) (cons 0
(length lst)
) lst
| midpoint function |
midp (p1 p2)
'(lambda (x)
(/ x 2.)
วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2564
Hatch Polyline Closed by Layer
c:hplc (/ color en ha hp hs lname ltable sset)
old_cmdecho (getvar
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
ptname (getkword "\nSelect Pattern Name [ANSI37/AR-CONC/AR-SAND/EARTH]
(if (= ptname "")(setq ptname "ANSI37"))
hp (getvar "hpname"))
"hpname" ptname) ;<-- hatch pattern name
ha (getvar "hpassoc"))
"hpassoc" 1) ;<-- set hatch associative
hs (getvar "hpscale"))
(setvar "hpscale" 2.0) ;<-- set hatch pattern scale
(setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect
entity for layer name: ")))
(setq e (tblsearch "layer"
(cdr (assoc 8 (entget e)))))
(setq lyn (cdr (assoc 2 e)))
(ssget "_X"
(cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") ;<--
lightweight polylines only
(cons 70 1) ;<--
closed polylines
(cons 410 (getvar
"CTAB")) ;<-- current space
(cons 8 lyn) ;<-- layer
name;"Layer1,Layer2,Layer3"<--desired layer names, separated by
(setq en (ssname sset 0))
(setq lname (cdr (assoc 8 (entget en))))
(setq ltable (tblsearch "layer"
(setq color (cdr (assoc 62 ltable)))
(command "._-hatch"
"_S" en "" "")
(command "._change"
(ssdel en sset)
" Polyline Object is Don't Closed ")
"hpname" hp) ;<-- restore hatch patter name
"hpassoc" ha) ;<-- restore hatch asociativity
"hpscale" hs) ;<-- restore hatch patter scale
"cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
"\nEnter HPLC to start Hatch Polyline Closed by Layer")
วันศุกร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2564
Straight-Flight Quarter-Turn Half-Turn
08 October 2016
by Songkhran Jongkul
(defun Stair ()
(setq old_cmdecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq old_osnap (getvar
(setq old_snap (getvar "snapmode"))
(setq old_ortho (getvar
(setq old_layer (getvar
(setq old_tstyle (getvar
(setq txts (getvar
(setq old_error *error*)
(setq *error* my_error )
(defun my_error (msg)
(= msg "Function
(= msg "quit / exit
(princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
(if msg (Alert (strcat "\nApplication error:
" msg)))
(setq *error* old_error)
(setvar "cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
(setvar "osmode" old_osnap)
(setvar "snapmode" old_snap)
(setvar "orthomode" old_ortho)
(setvar "clayer" old_layer)
);;end my_error
(defun rtd (x) ;radial to degee
(/ (* x 180) pi)
(defun dtr (x) ;degee to radial
(* x (/ pi 180))
(defun tan (x)
(/ (sin x)(cos x))
(defun arsin (x)
(setq y (sqrt (- 1 (* x x))))
(atan x y)
(defun arcos (x)
(- (/ pi 2)(arsin x))
"cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "osmode"
"snapmode" 0)
"orthomode" 0)
"textstyle" "Standard")
(initget "Straight-Flight Quarter-Turn
(setq ty (getkword "แบบบันได
ตรง มุมฉาก หักกลับ : [Straight-Flight/Quarter-Turn/Half-Turn] :
(if (= ty "") (setq ty
(if (= ty "Straight-Flight")
(setq hi (getdist "\nความสูงระหว่างชั้น (floor
to floor hight < 3.00): <2.50>"))
(if (not hi) (setq hi 2.50))
(if (or(= ty "Quarter-Turn")(= ty
(setq hi (getdist "\nความสูงระหว่างชั้น (floor
to floor hight): <3.50>"))
(if (not hi) (setq hi 3.50))
(setq ws (getdist "\nความกว้างบันได
(Stair Width min. 0.80): <1.00>"))
(if (not ws) (setq ws 1.00))
(setq ri (getdist "\nลูกนอน (Riser
Width0 0.25-0.30): <0.25>"))
(if (not ri) (setq ri 0.25))
(setq tr (getdist "\nลูกตั้ง (Tread
Height 0.15-0.20): <0.15>"))
(if (not tr) (setq tr 0.15))
;(setq nos (getdist "\nลูกตั้ง
(Nosing 0.025): <0.025>"))
;(if (not nos) (setq nos 0.025))
(initget 1)
(setq pa (getpoint "\n Pick Start Stair :
(setvar "Orthomode" 1)
(initget 1)
(setq pb (getpoint pa "\n Pick Angle Stair :
(setvar "Orthomode" 0)
(setq ang (angle pA pB))
(setq ang1 (+ ang (DTR 90.0)))
(setq ang2 (+ ang (DTR 180.0)))
(setq ang3 (+ ang (DTR 270.0)))
(if (= ty "Straight-Flight")
(setq nums (fix(/ hi tr)))
;;step hight
(setq his (/ hi nums))
;(setq wst (+ ri nos))
(setq ts (/ (* (1+ nums) ri) 20))
(setq p1
p2 (polar p1 ang3 ws)
p1a p1
p2a p2
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
p1 p2 "")
(setq p1 (polar
p1 ang ri)
p2 (polar p2 ang ri)
(setq p1b
(polar p1 ang2 ri)
p2b (polar p2 ang2 ri)
(command "_line"
p1a p1b ""
"_line" p2a p2b ""
(setq ps (getpoint
"\n Pick Side View Stair : "))
(setq ps1
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 (dtr 0) ri)
(setq ang4 (angle
ps1 ps3)
ts1 (/ ts (cos ang4))
ts2 (* ts1
(tan (dtr(- 180 (+ 90 (rtd ang4))))))
(repeat nums ;(1+ nums)
"_pline" ps1 ps2 ps3 "")
(setq ps1
ps2 (polar ps3 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 (dtr 0) ri)
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (angle ps3 ps1)(sqrt
(+(expt ri 2)(expt his 2)))))
(setq ps1a
(polar ps (+ (angle ps3 ps1) (DTR 90)) ts1)
ps1b (polar ps1 (dtr 0) ts2)
(command "_line"
ps1a ps1b "")
(if (= ty "Quarter-Turn")
(setq qs ws)
(initget 1)
"Orthomode" 1)
(setq pc (getpoint pb
"\n Pick Landing Angle : "))
"Orthomode" 0)
(setq ang4 (angle
pb pc))
(setq hisp (/ hi 2.0))
(setq nums (fix(/ hisp
tr))) ;;step hight
(setq his (/ hisp nums))
;(setq wst (+ ri nos))
(setq ts (/ (* (1+ nums) ri) 20))
(setq p1 (polar
pa ang1 (/ ws 2.0))
p2 (polar p1 ang3 ws)
p1a p1
p2a p2
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
p1 p2 "")
(setq p1 (polar
p1 ang ri)
p2 (polar p2 ang ri)
(setq p1b
(polar p1 ang2 ri)
p2b (polar p2 ang2 ri)
pa (polar
p1b ang3 (/ ws 2.0))
(command "_line"
p1a p1b ""
"_line" p2a p2b ""
(setq qs1
qs2 p2b
qs3 (polar qs2 ang qs)
qs4 (polar qs1 ang qs)
"_rectang" qs1 qs3)
(setq pa (polar pa ang (/
ws 2.0))
pa1 (polar pa ang4 (/ ws 2.0))
p1 (polar pa1 (+ ang4 (DTR 90.0)) (/ ws
p2 (polar pa1 (+ ang4 (DTR 270.0)) (/ ws
p1a p1
p2a p2
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
p1 p2 "")
(setq p1 (polar
p1 ang4 ri)
p2 (polar p2 ang4 ri)
(setq p1b
(polar p1 (+ ang4 (DTR 180.0))
p2b (polar p2 (+ ang4 (DTR 180.0)) ri)
(command "_line"
p1a p1b ""
"_line" p2a p2b ""
(if (or(= ang (dtr 90))(= ang
(dtr 270)))
(setq ps (getpoint
"\n Pick Side View Stair : "))
(setq ps1 (polar
ps (dtr 180) (/ ws 2.0))
ps2 (polar ps (dtr 0) (/ ws 2.0))
ps1a ps1
ps2a ps2
;(setq ang4
(angle ps1 ps3)
; ts1 (/ ts
(cos ang4))
; ts2 (* ts1 (tan (dtr(- 180 (+ 90 (rtd ang4))))))
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
ps1 ps2 "")
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps2 (polar ps2 (dtr 90) his)
(setq ps1b
(polar ps1 (DTR 270) his)
ps2b (polar ps2 (dtr 270) his)
(command "_line"
ps1a ps1b ""
"_line" ps2a ps2b ""
;;------Upper Flight---------
(setq ps (polar ps (dtr 90) (* his nums))
ps1 (polar ps ang4 (/ ws 2.0))
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang4 ri)
ps1a ps1
(setq ang5 (angle
ps1 ps3)
ts (/(* ri nums) 20)
ts1 (/ ts (cos ang5))
ts2 (* ts1
(tan (dtr(- 180 (+ 90 (rtd ang5))))))
(repeat nums ;(1+ nums)
"_pline" ps1 ps2 ps3 "")
(setq ps1
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang4 ri)
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (angle ps3 ps1)(sqrt
(+(expt ri 2)(expt his 2)))))
(setq ps1b
(polar ps1a (+ (angle ps3 ps1) (DTR 90)) ts1)
ps1c (polar ps1 ang4 ts2)
(command "_line"
ps1b ps1c "")
(if (or(= ang (dtr 0))(= ang
(dtr 180)))
(setq ps (getpoint
"\n Pick Side View Stair : "))
(setq ;ps (polar ps (dtr 90) (* his nums))
ps1 ps ;(polar ps ang4 (/ ws 2.0))
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang ri)
ps1a ps1
(setq ang5 (angle
ps1 ps3)
ts (/(* ri nums) 20)
ts1 (/ ts (cos ang5))
ts2 (* ts1
(tan (dtr(- 180 (+ 90 (rtd ang5))))))
(repeat nums ;(1+ nums)
"_pline" ps1 ps2 ps3 "")
(setq ps1
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang ri)
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (angle ps3 ps1)(sqrt
(+(expt ri 2)(expt his 2)))))
(setq ps1b
(polar ps1a (+ (angle ps3 ps1) (DTR 90)) ts1)
ps1c (polar ps1 ang ts2)
(command "_line"
ps1b ps1c "")
(setq ps1 (polar
ps3 (angle ps3 ps1)(sqrt
(+(expt ri 2)(expt his 2))))
ps2 (polar ps1 ang ws)
ps1a ps1
ps2a ps2
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
ps1 ps2 "")
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps2 (polar ps2 (dtr 90) his)
(setq ps1b
(polar ps1 (DTR 270) his)
ps2b (polar ps2 (dtr 270) his)
(command "_line"
ps1a ps1b ""
"_line" ps2a ps2b ""
);if Quarter-Turn
(if (= ty "Half-Turn")
(setq qs ws)
(initget 1)
"Orthomode" 1)
(setq pc (getpoint pb
"\n Pick Landing Angle : "))
(initget 1)
(setq pd (getpoint pc
"\n Pick Upper Flight : "))
"Orthomode" 0)
(setq ang4 (angle
pb pc))
(setq ang4a
(angle pc pd))
(setq hisp (/ hi 2.0))
(setq nums (fix(/ hisp
tr))) ;;step hight
(setq his (/ hisp nums))
;(setq wst (+ ri nos))
(setq ts (/ (* (1+ nums) ri) 20))
(setq p1 (polar
pa ang1 (/ ws 2.0))
p2 (polar p1 ang3 ws)
p1a p1
p2a p2
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
p1 p2 "")
(setq p1 (polar
p1 ang ri)
p2 (polar p2 ang ri)
(setq p1b
(polar p1 ang2 ri)
p2b (polar p2 ang2 ri)
pa (polar
pa ang (* nums ri))
qsa pa
(command "_line"
p1a p1b ""
"_line" p2a p2b ""
;(if (or(= ang (rtd 0))(= ang (rtd 90)))(setq qs1
(polar pa ang1 (/ ws 2.0))))
;(if (> ang (rtd 0))(setq qs1 (polar qsa ang3
(/ ws 2.0))))
(setq qs1 (polar
qsa ang1 (/ ws 2.0))
qs2 (polar qs1 ang4 (* ws 2.0))
qs3 (polar qs2 ang qs)
qs4 (polar qs1 ang qs)
"_rectang" qs1 qs3)
(setq pa (polar pa ang4 ws)
;pa1 (polar pa ang4 (/ ws 2.0))
p1 (polar pa (+ ang4a (DTR 90.0)) (/ ws 2.0))
p2 (polar pa (+ ang4a (DTR 270.0)) (/ ws 2.0))
p1a p1
p2a p2
(repeat (1+ nums)
(command "_line"
p1 p2 "")
(setq p1 (polar
p1 ang4a ri)
p2 (polar p2 ang4a ri)
(setq p1b
(polar p1 (+ ang4a (DTR 180.0)) ri)
p2b (polar p2 (+ ang4a (DTR 180.0)) ri)
(command "_line"
p1a p1b ""
"_line" p2a p2b ""
;;-------------Side View----------
(if (or(= ang (dtr 0))(= ang
(dtr 180)))
(setq ps (getpoint
"\n Pick Side View Stair : "))
(setq ;ps (polar ps (dtr 90) (* his nums))
ps1 ps ;(polar ps ang4 (/ ws 2.0))
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang ri)
ps1a ps1
(setq ang5 (angle
ps1 ps3)
ts (/(* ri nums) 20)
ts1 (/ ts (cos ang5))
ts2 (* ts1
(tan (dtr(- 180 (+ 90 (rtd ang5))))))
(repeat nums ;(1+ nums)
"_pline" ps1 ps2 ps3 "")
(setq ps1
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang ri)
(setq qs1
qs2 (polar qs1 ang ws)
qs3 (polar qs2 (dtr 270) his)
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (angle ps3 ps1)(sqrt
(+(expt ri 2)(expt his 2)))))
(setq ps1b
(polar ps1a (+ (angle ps3 ps1) (DTR 90)) ts1)
ps1c (polar ps1 ang ts2)
(command "_line"
ps1b ps1c ""
"_pline" qs1 qs2 qs3 ps1c
;;-----------Upper Flight----------------
(setq ps qs1
;ps (polar ps (dtr 90) (* his nums))
ps1 ps ;(polar ps ang4 (/ ws 2.0))
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang4a ri)
ps1a ps1
(setq ang5 (angle
ps1 ps3)
ts (/(* ri nums) 20)
ts1 (/ ts (cos ang5))
ts2 (* ts1
(tan (dtr(- 180 (+ 90 (rtd ang5))))))
(repeat nums ;(1+ nums)
"_pline" ps1 ps2 ps3 "")
(setq ps1
ps2 (polar ps1 (dtr 90) his)
ps3 (polar ps2 ang4a ri)
(setq qs1
qs2 (polar qs1 ang4a ws)
qs3 (polar qs2 (dtr 270) his)
(setq ps1 (polar
ps1 (angle ps3 ps1)(sqrt
(+(expt ri 2)(expt his 2)))))
(setq ps1b
(polar ps1a (+ (angle ps3 ps1) (DTR 90)) ts1)
ps1c (polar ps1 ang4a ts2)
(command "_line"
ps1b ps1c ""
"_pline" qs1 qs2 qs3 ps1c
);if Half-Turn
"cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
(setvar "osmode"
"snapmode" old_snap)
"orthomode" old_ortho)
(setvar "clayer"
"textstyle" old_tstyle)
"textsize" txts)
(setq *error* old_error)
(defun c:ST ()
(prompt "\nCreate and
Design by Songkhran Jongkul October 2016")
(prompt "\nEnter ST
to Start")