Draw Curve
- Pick P.C. Point
- Pick P.I. Point
- Pick P.T. Point
c:dcur ()
old_cmdecho (getvar
old_osnap (getvar "osmode"))
"cmdecho" 0)
to dreegee
(defun rtod (x)
(/ (* x 180) pi)
to radial
(defun dtor (x)
(* x (/ pi 180))
(setq ptc (getpoint "\nPick P.C.
Point : "))
(setq pti (getpoint ptc "\nPick P.I.
Point : "))
(setq ptt (getpoint pti "\nPick P.T.
Point : "))
(setq angpc (rtod(angle ptc pti))
angpi (rtod(angle ptt pti))
angpt (rtod(angle ptt ptc))
(setq angpi0 (- 180.0 angpi)
angpc0 (- 180.0 (+ angpc angpi0))
angDT (- 180.0 angpc0)
angLR (/ (- 180.0 angDT) 2.0)
(setq cr (distance ptc ptt)
lr (/ (/ cr 2.0)(sin (dtor (/ angDT 2.0))))
(setq cfc (polar ptc (dtor(- (rtod (angle
ptc ptt)) angLR)) lr))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "_pline" ptc cfc ptt
"a" "ce" cfc ptc "")
"cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
"osmode" old_osnap)
"\nEnter DCUR to Start Draw Curve.")
to dreegee
(defun rtod (x)
(/ (* x 180) pi)
to radial
(defun dtor (x)
(* x (/ pi 180))