irregular quadrilateral
by Lengths and angle
- Enter length 4 side and one angle
- Create and Design by Songkhran Jongkul
(defun tan (x)
(/ (sin x)(cos x))
(defun arsin (x)
(setq y (sqrt (- 1 (* x x))))
(atan x y)
(defun arcos (x)
(- (/ pi 2)(arsin x))
(defun rtod (x)
(/ (* x 180) pi)
(defun dtor (x)
(* x (/ pi 180))
c:irrq ()
old_cmdecho (getvar
old_osnap (getvar "osmode"))
"cmdecho" 0)
"osmode" 0)
(or la (setq la 138.82))
(setq latemp (getdist (strcat
"\nLength A <" (rtos la 2 2) ">: ")))
(if (not latemp)(setq latemp la)
(setq la latemp)
(or lb (setq lb 83.88))
(setq lbtemp (getdist (strcat
"\nLength B <" (rtos lb 2 2) ">: ")))
(if (not lbtemp)(setq lbtemp b)
(setq lb lbtemp)
(or lc (setq lc 104.10))
(setq lctemp (getdist (strcat
"\nLength C <" (rtos lc 2 2) ">: ")))
(if (not lctemp)(setq lctemp lc)
(setq lc lctemp)
(or ld (setq ld 74.7))
(setq ldtemp (getdist (strcat
"\nLength D <" (rtos ld 2 2) ">: ")))
(if (not ldtemp)(setq ldtemp ld)
(setq ld ldtemp)
(or anga (setq anga 88.53))
(setq angatemp (getdist (strcat
"\nAngle A <" (rtos anga 2 2) "\U+00B0>: ")))
(if (not angatemp)(setq angatemp anga)
(setq anga angatemp)
length and angle inside--------------------------------
(setq bd (sqrt(-(+(expt la 2)(expt lb
2))(* 2 la lb (cos (dtor anga))))))
(setq angd (rtod(arcos(/(-(+(expt bd 2)(expt la 2))(expt
lb 2))(* 2 la bd))))
angd2 (rtod(arcos(/(-(+(expt ld 2)(expt bd 2))(expt lc 2))(* 2 ld bd))))
angadc (+ angd angd2)
(- 180.0(+ anga angd))
angb2 (rtod(arcos(/(-(+(expt lc 2)(expt bd 2))(expt ld 2))(* 2 lc bd))))
angabc (+ angb angb2)
angbcd (- 360.0(+ anga angabc angadc))
irregular quadrilateral -------------------------------
(setq pa (getpoint "\n Pick a point
a :"))
(setq pb (polar pa (dtor anga) lb)
pd (polar pa 0 la)
pc (polar pd (dtor (- 180.0 angadc)) ld)
(command "_pline" pa pd pc pb
"cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
"osmode" old_osnap)
"\nEnter IRRQ to start irregular quadrilateral")
"\nCreate and Design by Songkhran Jongkul 04-02-2022")