CHange Text ATTributes
Edit width factor text height
and rotation of attributes text
Create and Design by AutolispTH March 2024
;;-----radial to dreegee
(defun rtod (x)
(/ (* x 180) pi)
(defun dtor (x)
(* x (/ pi 180))
(defun C:CHTAtt ( / e ent)
(setq old_cmdecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
;-------------------width factor-----------------------------+
(or wd (setq wd 1.0))
(setq wdtemp
(getDist (strcat "\nEnter width factor of text: <"
(rtos wd 2 2)
">: "
(and wdtemp (setq wd wdtemp))
;-------------------text height------------------------------+
(or th (setq th 1.0))
(setq thtemp
(getDist (strcat "\nEnter text height: <"
(rtos th 2 2)
">: "
(and thtemp (setq th thtemp))
;--------------------text rotation---------------------------+
(or ro (setq ro 0.0))
(setq rotemp
(getDist (strcat "\nEnter text rotation: <"
(rtos ro 2 2)
">: "
(and rotemp (setq ro rotemp))
(while (setq e (car (nentsel "\n Select an attribute to change:")))
(setq ent (vlax-ename->vla-object e))
(vla-put-scalefactor ent wd)
(vla-put-height ent th)
(vla-put-Rotation ent (dtor ro))
(setvar "cmdecho" old_cmdecho)
(prompt "\n\t\t\t +------------------------------------------+\n")
(prompt "\n\t\t\t | Start with CHTATT to execute |\n")
(prompt "\n\t\t\t +------------------------------------------+\n")